About Ontario Trillium Foundation surveys
The survey you have been asked to complete collects anonymous information about a community program that receives funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The Ontario Trillium Foundation uses anonymous survey data to understand, demonstrate and improve the impact of the programs they fund.
By filling out the survey, you can help the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the organizations they fund to improve community programs across Ontario.
Each survey includes some questions about the person who is completing the survey. These questions help the Ontario Trillium Foundation to understand who each program is serving. They also help OTF to understand how their investments are benefitting different groups of people.
Data privacy
Survey data is collected by LogicalOutcomes, a Canadian nonprofit organization. We are an evaluation vendor to OTF. We collect data using our Service Information System (SIS). All survey responses are anonymous and confidential. Data collected through OTF surveys is meant to be used for evaluation and program improvement.
LogicalOutcomes combines survey responses in reports that are seen by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the programs they fund. Your answers will be combined with other people’s answers in these reports, to prevent anyone from guessing your identity. Individual-level raw data is shared only with OTF and its vendor (currently LogicalOutcomes).
For more information
To learn more about how LogicalOutcomes manages survey data, see our privacy policy. If you have any questions about one of our surveys, feel free to contact the LogicalOutcomes evaluation team at otf.fto@sis.ngo, or call us at: 647-478-5634 or 1-877-819-6058 (Tollfree