Qualitative Analysis

Analyze a qualitative dataset.
Here’s how it works:
Before pasting data into the app, review it to see if it contains information that could be harmful if it was revealed, like sensitive health information. If there is sensitive data in your dataset, remove it. You might need to create a new column that assigns a random ID to individual people (this ID should not be connected to any existing ID).
It’s a good idea to remove unnecessary columns from your dataset like timestamps, codes etc. so that irrelevant information does not confuse the analysis.
Then select and copy your data and paste it into the app.
This app was developed by LogicalOutcomes with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). Like all of our AI apps, it is in active development. To share feedback or start a conversation, please contact our team at info@logicaloutcomes.net.
Click here to learn more about the the app's development, security and reliability.
Why we created this app
This evaluation tool is informed by our team’s decades of experience with evaluation and by our understanding of the challenges that evaluation poses for nonprofits. As evaluation platform vendor to the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of organizations across Ontario, and we’ve seen the hours of work that agencies pour into planning and conducting evaluations. The OTF platform aims to ease the burden of evaluation for OTF grantees, by providing simple, flexible data collection and reporting tools and targeted evaluation coaching. As the OTF platform marks its fourth year of operation, our team is working to translate our learning into new tools that can support more nonprofits to plan and run effective evaluations. Our AI apps are the result of that effort.
Click here to learn more about the the app's development, security and reliability.